We recently went on spring break with our kids to Florida and it was one great week! We flew and it actually went really well. I have a 3 and 10 year old and thought I would share what kept them busy during our travel time. On our way there we got through all the airport stuff and got lunch and had to go right away so there was not much waiting around time in the airport which was nice. On the plane I had a few surprises packed for the kids. My 10 year old got pamphlets about identifying shells, birds and fish in the gulf shores. He was very excited about this and looked through these for a while. My 3 year old is into pretend play so I brought some of his super hero and Mario guys. He also got a new Mario book. Granted I was the one who had to read it over and over again but it kept him busy. We also took advantage of the free inflight shows so Spidey and his Amazing Friends entertained at the end of the flight when he was getting tired. I would highly suggest headphones for listening. On the way home we had to do more waiting around in the airport so we let the kids each pick out a snack that they ate on the plane. We had a new book for each of them on the way home as well. My husband kept busy with March Madness happening on the free live stream so everyone was nicely occupied on the way home. The essentials for us were a couple of new things for each kid, such as books and new guys to really keep them busy and excited for both of the flights. Everyone was really sad to leave so having a little surprise on the plane on the way home boosted the spirits a bit. Not as much as a sunny beach and pool but a little.
Laura Mamerow